Our ePayslips mobile app was the first to hit the market in the UK 9 years ago. Since then, it has had over 10,800 downloads on iOS devices and a further 28,500 on Android. It might be the first of its kind, but with technology and standards advancing, our old ePayslips app has now been left behind. With this in mind, our dedicated Software Development Team has been working behind the scenes to produce our new and improved mobile app.
The new mobile app combines the very best elements of the previous version but with an enhanced look and feel for our users.
In this fast-moving industry, the old app became outdated.
There are many benefits to rebuilding our old mobile app. However, the main factor in making the change was the dated design. In particular, when you look at today’s modern banking apps, we felt the old app just wasn’t up to scratch in terms of usability.
The new and improved mobile app
Our new app has been updated following the same design principles as our recently updated web app, giving it a fresh new look and feel. The two systems are no longer disjointed and complement each other well, accommodating all users whether they prefer mobile or web app access.
Additionally, the new app is more accessible than before as the design and build have followed Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) publish these guidelines to provide a single shared standard for web content accessibility that meets the needs of individuals, organisations, and governments internationally.
These are widely recognised standards that dictate the use of design, for example, colours or font and layout, to ensure that all users can access the app.
Keeping the best bits alive
The old app wasn’t all that bad, and we have preserved the best elements of the old to combine with the new user-friendly app. For example, the biometrics log in feature was extremely popular as this allowed users to easily access their app without having to remember their username and password each time, whilst still verifying their identity to an acceptable degree.
We listened to the feedback of our users and carried this feature forwards to the new app.
The future of the app
This new and improved version of our already popular mobile app gives a solid foundation for future features to be implemented and rolled out to users. With a new modern, user-friendly, accessible app in place, we have the platform and ability to build an even better experience for our users in the future. Watch this space!